
Jacob Wick

trumpet, etc
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Photos by Jackie Vértiz Samuel Sánchez, and Rafeal Arriaga

Jacob Wick is an improviser, composer, writer, and artist. His work is dedicated to and informed by queer feelings and queer politics.

As an improviser and composer, he has performed his music and that of others in a variety of contexts, including at SummerStage in New York City, the Moers Festival in Germany, and the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC) in Mexico City. He has performed with Matana Roberts, claire rousay, Gerald Cleaver, Katherine Young, Judith Hamann, Toshimaru Nakamura, and others.

As a writer, he has published in print and online, writing about art and art scenes throughout the US and Mexico. He was an associate editor for What We Want is Free: Critical Exchanges in Recent Art (SUNY Press, 2014). Most recently, his writing appeared in the “Alien” issue of Sound American (2020).

As an artist, he has organized projects in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and the Bay Area. In 2013, with the assistance of The Think Tank that has yet to be named…, he organized Germantown City Hall, a temporary city hall for the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia modeled after 19th-century anarcho-utopian town halls. 

Currently he works with a sextet and a quartet, both playing his compositions. The sextet, with Gibrán Andrade, Mabe Fratti, Alina Maldonado, Saúl Ojeda and Federico Sánchez, explores popular and not-so-popular songs from the last 100 years; the quartet, with Andrade, Sánchez, and Alonso Lópes-Valdés, performs his original jazz songs.
Fotos por Jackie Vértiz Samuel Sánchez y Rafael Arriaga

Jacob Wick es un improvisador, compositor, escritor y artista. Su obra se dedica a sentimientos cuir y es informado por una política cuir.

Como improvisador y compositor ha dado conciertos de la música suya y de otres en una variedad de lugares alrededor del mundo, incluso el MUAC, el museo Whitney, el festival Summerstage y el festival Moers. Ha tocado con Matana Roberts, claire rousay, Gerald Cleaver, Mabe Fratti y Katherine Young entre otres.

Como escritor ha publicado en línea así como impreso, típicamente sobre el arte y las escenas de arte en EEUU y México. Fue editor asociado para What We Want is Free: Critical Exchanges in Recent Art (SUNY Press, 2014). Más reciente escribió por el número “Alien” de Sound American (2020).

Como artista ha organizado proyectos en Baltimore, Philadelphia y Oakland. En 2013, con la asistencia de The Think Tank that has yet to be named..., él organizó Germantown City Hall que era un centro comunitario temporal en el estilo de los centros comunitarios anarchistas del siglo 19, ubicado en la colonia Germantown de Philadelphia.

Actualmente se dedica a dos grupos tocando su música original, un sexteto que investiga canciones de jazz y otros géneros, integrado por Gibrán Andrade, Mabe Fratti, Alina Maldonado, Saúl Ojeda y Federico Sánchez, además y un cuarteto tocando nuevas canciones de jazz integrado por Andrade, Sánchez y Alonso López-Valdés.
Upcoming Próximo
30/10/24 Misha Marks & Deborah Silberer & Jacob Wick Foro del Tejedor CDMX
8/11/24 André Cravioto "Experimentos" Venas Rotas Discos CDMX
27/11/24 Federico Sánchez Septeto Parker & Lenox CDMX
28/11/24 Jacob Wick Quartet Salón Jupiter CDMX
14/2/25 Jacob Wick Quartet Casa Franca CDMX
every time we say goodbye
i die a little
i wonder why a little
every time we say goodbye / i die a little